Hills Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome – 1.5 kg dry food for dogs

13 thoughts on “Hills Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome – 1.5 kg dry food for dogs

  1. Fab product dogs belly suits this
    I’d ran out of food on holiday so bought him a well known canine maltese brand but poos became thin, light brown and totally not good for anyoneNext day delivery and he’s back onto this super food and bowl habits back to normal within 2 daysI’ll not change again

  2. Small dry biscuits
    Nice service, fast delivery, first two weeks my dog eat them lovely and then started disliking…Not too strong smell of them. Helped with bad stomach..

  3. For dogs with delicate digestion.
    Being the of owner of a big tough German Shepherd with a dodgy GI tract, this is the only kibble that I’ve found which ensures no disagreeable encounters as you stumble downstairs on dark morning’s to let him out into the garden for his first wee.I expect most dog owners know where I’m coming from…….

  4. Good product, great price
    Over £10 cheaper than my previous pet food supplier. Hills prescription diet biome has become a necessity for my dear old dog who has some digestion problems. Since changing to Hills he is regular, firm and a lot happier.

  5. Expensive product, suitable for specific purpose after vet advice.
    Expensive product, suitable for specific purpose after vet advice NOT of brilliant nutritional value (read contents on pack) – dogs not impressed.

  6. Me lo recomendó mi veterinario. Tengo un perro con muy malas digestiones. Desde entonces le doy este pienso y le sienta muy bien.

  7. Mi perrita ha tenido algunos problemas de diarreas / cacas blandas y Biome siempre la ha estabilizado. Luego cambio poco a poco a su pienso habitual. Ahora que está dejando de ser cacharro, parece necesitarlo menos.

  8. Sacco da 1.5 kg arrivato il giorno dopo l’acquisto con Prime. Avevo urgente necessità di acquistarlo. Il prodotto già lo conoscevo, molto buono per problemi gastroistestinali (sotto direttive del veterinario)

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